PIL or the
Python Imaging Library, is a library designed to add imaging processing capabilities to python. PIL supports a variety of image formats including: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, as well as many
Note: The examples here apply to Python 2.7 and PIL 1.1.7
To open an image using PIL, we use the PIL's Image module (in an interactive shell, or python script):
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> im=Image.open('./example.JPG')
Where './example.JPG' is the image path. This creates an PIL instance of the specified image, im.
There are some useful attributes of the image class such as:
>>> im.size
(3872, 2592)
>>> im.format
>>> im.mode
We can now use this instance to do a variety of tasks such as showing the image:
>>> im.show()
Rotating the image counter clockwise at an angle specified in degrees, creating a new image instance of the rotated image:
>>> im2=im.rotate(45)
Re-sizing the image, preserving the aspect ratio:
>>> im.thumbnail([128,128])
This will re-size the maximum dimension, preserving the aspect ratio. To control the interpolation scheme of the re-size, you can pass a filter argument such as
>>> im.thumbnail([128,128],Image.ANTIALIAS)
Re-sizing the image, not preserving the aspect ratio:
>>> im.resize([128,128])
You can also change the interpolation scheme:
>>> im.resize([128,128],Image.ANTIALIAS)
Cropping the image by providing a cropping box in terms of (Left, Upper, Right, Lower) in terms of pixels, this also returns a new image instance:
>>> im3=im.crop([10,40,400,350])
Finally, saving the resulting image as jpeg (indicated by the file extension):
>>> im.save('./exampleOut.jpg')
You may also explicitly tell the function what format to save it in (int his case, as png image):
>>> im.save('./exampleOut', 'PNG')
Note: This will not automatically append the file extension to the file name.
Bringing these concepts together along with some core python functions, we can write a simple script (i.e. batchImgConvert.py) to convert all the *.jpg files in a giving folder to *.png files:
#import require libraries
from PIL import Image
import glob
import os
# Find all the jpegs in a given folder:
# Loop through all the image:
for img in imList:
# open the image
im = Image.open(img)
# extract the filename and extension from path
fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(img)
# save the image in the same folder, with the same name, except *.png
Once you have this mastered, then the sky is the limit. You can use the commands described above to batch rotate, resize, and crop. There are many more functions available in PIL, which will be covered later.
To give you a more complex example that I used to answer a question on the
photography stack exchange:
#Python 2.7, PIL 1.1.7
import Image
import glob
import os
#Function to resize image, preserving aspect ratio
def resizeAspect(im, size):
w,h = im.size
aspect=min(size[0]/float(w), size[1]/float(h))
return im.resize((int(w*aspect),int(h*aspect)),Image.ANTIALIAS)
#Find all png images in a directory
#Loop through all found images
for img in imgList:
#open the image
im = Image.open(img)
print "resizing:",os.path.basename(img)
#Get image width and height
w,h = im.size
#Check if either dimension is smaller then 600
if min(w,h)<600:
#Re-size Image
#update image size
w,h = im.size
#Calculate Center
center = [int(w/2.0),int(h/2.0)]
#Defines a box where you want it to be cropped
box = (center[0]-300, center[1]-300, center[0]+300, center[1]+300)
#Crop the image
croppedIm = im.crop(box)
fileName, fileExtension=os.path.splitext(img)
#Save the cropped image
croppedIm.save(fileName+'_crop.png', "PNG")